Listed below are the classes that we currently offer.  This list is constantly evolving, so if you don’t see a class you would like us to teach, please contact us, we would be delighted to create a class especially for you.


Embracing Ritual in your M/s Dynamic


Ritual can be a powerful tool to help support your Power Exchange.  In this class, we will discuss the purpose rituals can have in a relationship, methods for utilizing them and why they are not just for the spiritual among us.


Getting Down with Position Training


Position training is a beautiful way to non-verbally showcase your relationship dynamic.  The forms used can be not only aesthetically pleasing but emotionally and physically valuable.

In this class, we will discuss the use of slave positions to augment the expression of a power dynamic.  We will demonstrate some common slave positions, discuss their uses and how they can strengthen your dynamic.


Grace in Service: Part 1


Picture this: A slave flowing over the floor lithely caring a brimming, cold glass of water to Sir. As she reaches Him she very elegantly kneels at His feet, bows her head and gracefully extends the glass of water to Him.  All without spilling a drop.  Grace in action, thought and deed.  This workshop focuses on discussing how to incorporate grace into our thoughts, and our verbal and non-verbal communication (body language).  Grace in action, thought and deed.  We will go through developing our muscles using activities to refine the gracefulness of our movements; so that we may be more graceful in our service.  Getting up and down from the floor gracefully will be covered.  We will also discuss how to display grace in our bearing.


Grace in Service: Part 2

Hands-On Workshop

Picture this: A slave flowing over the floor lithely caring a brimming, cold glass of water to Sir. As she reaches Him she very elegantly kneels at His feet, bows her head and gracefully extends the glass of water to Him.  All without spilling a drop.  Grace in action, thought and deed.  We will go through developing our muscles using activities to refine the gracefulness of our movements; so that we may be more graceful in our service.  Getting up and down from the floor gracefully will be covered.  We will also discuss how to display grace in our bearing.


Let’s Talk: Communication for Power Exchange Relationships


Let’s Talk is a workshop designed to help maintain Dynamics Through Communication.  Effective communication is a major relationship component.  How do we sustain communication in a power exchange relationship?  We will discuss ways to effectively communicate while maintaining your power exchange dynamic.  We will also discuss some possible pitfalls and how to avoid them.


Making Your Mark

Discussion/ Demo

Ownership Property Claiming Master slave

During this class we will discuss a variety of symbols of Power Exchange Relationships.  This range from the simple and common collar to cutting and brandings.  The class will end with a Scarification Demo.  We also discuss creating your own unique symbols of ownership and the process.


Power Exchange 101

Facilitated Discussion

The mystic unattainable power exchange relationship. What is it? What makes it tick? Is it really unattainable or are there methods and key elements to making it work? We will discuss what a power exchange relationship is and is not. What both sides of the equation get out of it and some key elements for making a power exchange relationship last long term. This discussion is set up to cover the bare basics of a power exchange relationship dynamics.




We have all seen someone who does service in a graceful, flawless manner.  Many have of us have admired and wanted to be or own that person. But what is service?  How do we gracefully receive service?  How do we make sure that service is wanted?  In this workshop, we will explore the basics of service, common tasks related to service, receiving service, and anticipatory service.  This workshop is audience focused, so come with your questions and thoughts ready.


Shadows on the Path:

Resolving Conflict While Maintaining Your M/s Dynamic


Using the structure of a power exchange relationship to successfully resolve conflict while maintaining trust can be challenging.

In this class we will discuss:

  • Methods for M/D-types to create a safe space for discussion while maintaining dynamic
  • Methods for helping the s-type to express their opinion without being disrespectful
  • How to maintain a discussion during a conflict without letting it become an argument?
  • What tools are available for maintaining the dynamic during stressful times?
  • How to not let “Life get in the way”?


Sins & Virtues in a Master/slave Dynamic


Master slave Dynamics are often seen as taboo and mysterious but the innerworkings are seldom seen.  The effort required to maintain these relationships is immense but so are the rewards.  Come join us as we discuss our relationship and the actions we have found to have both negative and positive impacts on our dynamic.


Standing Strong: Building Community for M/s Relationships

 Facilitated Discussion

How do we build strong united communities?  Not only do we want to help build united communities but communities designed to provide cohesive support for Master/slaves relationships.  This workshop is designed to explore ides on build inclusive communities which are supportive of Master/slave relationships.


Strengthening Bonds through Ritual:

Sometimes life seems to get in the way of our M/s relationships. The use of ritual can help keep those bonds solid. These rituals do not have to be daily rituals nor do they need to be complicated.

In this class, we will cover:
Use of rituals to center and strengthen relationships
Daily greetings, slave positions, ritualized language, call and response, presentation of items, ritual vs routine, keeping rituals meaningful


What does Coffee have to do with it?


Embracing daily routines and turning them into intense connections in our Power Exchange relationships.  Using routines to improve communication is a highly valuable tool in our M/s toolbelt which creates profound stability within the relationship.  In this class, we will discuss how to take every day routines and turn them into points for meaningful communication.


Skill Based Classes

Female Sounding:

Lecture with Demo

Sounding feels very similar to being fucked and can add interesting elements to a scene. This course will focus on the sounding of Females, which has unique challenges compared to male sounding. A female has a considerably shorter urethra and as such is more prone to infections. We will discuss and then demo how to get around this challenge. As will as covering types of sounds, sterilization, preparation, catheterization, female anatomy, and tips for reducing possible uti’s.


Fireplay: Sensual to Sadist:

Demo with the option for participation

Still fire touches something primal in our nature bringing both comfort and terror as it races across the flesh. Such is the art of “Fire Fleshing”

“Fire Cupping” is among the healing arts of the Far East drawing toxins and easing aches, on the other hand these dastardly little devices allows the artful Dom to makes bruises that can be controlled, shaped and draw blood from the tiniest of cuts.

In this intro to Fire play we will cover both Fleshing and Cupping; as well, as what you need to build a fire kit and Basic Fire Safety.


Power Stapling: The Home Dom Depot Special

Lecture with demo

This is a skin penetration and blood based play Demo with option for participation

We will demo and have opportunity for participation with the use of a Power Stapler. This is not a medical stapler, but a Handyman favorite for hard quick penetration and attachment of a variety of objects to the available surface (in this case, our lovely demo bottom.) Come prepared for blood and squeals as we show you how to get your Handyman Havoc on. We will cover safety, cleaning and prep of tools for play.

All Tied Up:

Hands-On Workshop

In this intro to intermediate class we will cover basic bedroom ties, a simple chest harness and corseting giving a solid foundation (with practice) for moving on to more advanced rope work such as suspension.  We will also discuss the use of rope for control when faced with a Sammy bottom. Please bring at least (2) 30 ft pieces of rope.

Scalpels and Needles and Knives; Oh My!:

Hands-On Workshop

The things we fear often bring us closer. In this class we will discuss and demo how mindfucks, as well, blood sports allow a deeper connection to our partners.  We will demonstrate a variety of techniques using conventional and unconventional implements.




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